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What technological trends are driving the development of the PRM industry?

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What technological trends are driving the development of the PRM industry?
Digitization, mobility and gamification are the three most important technological trends that affect the dynamics of the development of the PRM (Partner Relationship Management) market in the world. All of them are related to very specific business needs of companies that operate in a network model and want to strengthen their position and competitiveness.
The market of companies operating in a distributed model is very extensive and constantly developing. According to Statista analysts, in 2021 there were over 750,000 franchise outlets in the United States alone. The situation in Poland is similar. According to the franchising.pl portal, there are as many as 87,000 franchisees in our country. This, of course, affects the competition in the industry. That is why more and more companies are investing in an easily scalable solution such as PRM, which improves e.g. communication and business process management, frees up time and energy to build partner engagement and maximize the organization’s business potential.
Market analyzes say a lot about the growing interest in PRM systems. According to the recently published Technavio report, the size of the global market for these solutions will increase by USD 65 billion by 2027. Every year its value will be on average 16% higher. Behind such a dynamic development of the industry are both the needs of companies and specific technological trends. In this text, we present four which, in our opinion, will have the greatest impact on the development of the industry in the coming years.
1. Digitization
Digitization has been a very strong trend for years, driving the development of many technologies. Business has long discovered the advantages of digitization, although the pace of digital transformation has been significantly accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic. According to the European Investment Bank, 34% of of companies in the EU that have not previously used advanced digital technologies used the years 2020-2021 to start investing in such solutions. In turn, Gartner estimates that global IT spending in 2023 will amount to USD 4.66 trillion, which means an increase of 5.1 percent. compared to the USD 4.43 trillion forecast for 2022. Analysts of the American company determined this on the basis of a survey conducted among over 200 CFOs, of whom 69 percent. indicated that they expect to increase spending on digital technologies.

– Our experience shows that there are still many strategic business areas, especially in companies operating in the network model, which have not been digitized – says Wojciech Zarębski, CEO at PowerPRM. – This is, of course, not an easy task, because it requires a thorough analysis of processes and the possibility of their optimization and automation. That is why companies need a partner who understands the business carried out in the partnership model well and is able to efficiently digitize strategic areas that have not been digitally supported so far on one platform – he emphasizes.
PRM systems and modern Partner Portals ensure reliability and transparency of the functioning of the organization while ensuring the highest level of security of the collected data. It is a solution that increases the competitiveness of companies, as it helps to reduce operating costs and increase profits. Additional benefits include the optimization of processes that increase the efficiency of the organization.
2. Mobility
Mobile applications are gaining more and more popularity among users, which is confirmed by official data. The Grand View Research portal indicates that the size of the global mobile technology market was estimated at USD 206.85 billion in 2022, and according to the latest forecasts it will reach USD 228.98 billion in 2023.

– Mobility has recently revolutionized the way of doing business, especially in the network model, which due to high dynamics requires high flexibility. Therefore, vendors of partner relationship management software should design platforms in such a way that they are also accessible from mobile devices. Mobile versions of PRM tools offer organizations a preview of the full life cycle of partners at any place and time – emphasizes the CEO of PowerPRM.
The PRM system available on mobile devices will automatically adjust to the screen resolution, thanks to which it provides the user with optimal and functional use of the application. Mobile solutions of this type can be used by all users of the platform: both the board and managerial staff as well as partners and their employees. Depending on the role assigned to them in the system, interested parties have access to selected data and functionalities.
3. Gamification
The use of elements known from the world of games is becoming more and more popular in many areas of life, e.g. education, marketing or business. According to Zippia.com, as many as 90% of employees say that gamification increases their productivity, and 48% of them show an increase in engagement thanks to a gamification professional experience. Wojciech Zarębski believes that gamification mechanisms will be used more and more often in PRM systems in the future.

– Today it is a fun fact and a novelty, but in the future gamification can be used to develop many business platforms – predicts the head of the PowerPRM company – Gamification can open up new development prospects for companies operating in the network model. First of all, it can help increase the involvement of partners in brand development and solving business problems. Gamification is also an effective way to improve the sales results of the entire network through competition – adds Zarębski
Mechanisms that build player engagement can be effectively used in partnership and franchise organizations to increase partner activity. The stage of introducing new entities to the company no longer has to be boring and training sessions long and tiring. Thanks to PRM systems, everything is done according to a defined path. The use of elements from the world of games in the onboarding process makes the tasks performed within the partnership cooperation more engaging, motivating and attractive.
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